“Reunión alrededor del fuego
donde se contaban cuentos,
se recitaban romances,
se hablaba de los chascarrillos de los pueblos,
incluso se cantaba y se bailaba”

The restaurant
A unique space around a fire.
The best facilities, design and products in natural surroundings in the heart of the city.
By the countryside
“Located in the El Pardo Mount, one of the best preserved mediterranean woods in Europe. In the heart of Madrid.”

With grill
Fire is the heart of our restaurant. Grilling is the most antique technique known, but
its ability to maintain the product’s properties turned it into the most actual cooking technique.
Fish of the day
“From Pescaderías Coruñesas,
as passionate as we are about seafood,
we look for the best catch
of the day.

The best product
We have the most natural selection. The best cuts of meat and garden vegetables
and legumes are part of our menu.